Stumbling Toward 'Awesomeness'

A Technical Art Blog

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Does Everyone Write Their Own FBX Exporter?


When it comes to characters or character animation, any studio doing anything remotely complex has to write their own FBX exporter. But why?


It’s true that the FBX export options dialog is so convoluted that even ADSK has created a front end for exporting FBX to Unreal or Unity, but the main reason boils down to one issue: Maya FBX Export does not bake animation properly.

I *WANT* to use the FBX Exporter core (from Python). As a technical artist, I want a C++ plugin efficiently traversing the dag and baking/exporting animation. I do not want to dupe a skeleton and walk the timeline using python, calling scene update on the entire DAG every frame. The FBX Exporter doesn’t even have python exposure, so we have to eval MEL commands; it’s just not ideal to say the least.

Where Have the Attrs Gone?

When exporting characters elsewhere, you want to use FBX to get important data there as well. Not just an animated transform. In this test file [fbx_test], you see a sphere, skinned to a joint. That joint has an attribute called important_data. In games especially, we can use this scalar to drive a material parameter such as a wrinkle on a face, a blendshape, to allow an animator to blend off a cloth solver, anything really. So here’s our important data, driven my a multiply-divide node:


Export this scene as an FBX, being sure to tell it to bake complex animation:

mel.eval("FBXExportBakeComplexAnimation -v true")

Now import it back into an empty Maya scene, your important_data is gone!

To make matters worse, in the FBX ascii file I see an anim curve for my important data:

;AnimCurveNode::important_data, Model::joint1
C: “OP”,1519473056,205108448, “important_data”

So I am at a loss as to why programs using the FBX SDK do not get this data on import, including Maya.

DISCLAIMER: On multiple occasions I have reached out to ADSK asking them to please address this issue, but it has not happened. From the image above (new game export options), you can see that, on some level, ADSK wants to make this experience better, so please echo me in asking them to fix this issue.

In line with the title of this post, I have written, and would gladly give out an exporter for UE4, but as it uses the C++ bake / FBX Exporter from Maya, I would prefer to wait until this gets fixed. The ‘Bake Root’ option was actually created by Kevin Vassey at Epic because UE4 imports custom attrs on the root joint, so we just bake that if needed. This is a little puny exporter; internally we use Jeremy’s A.R.T. Toolkit for exporting animation in production.



UPDATE 1: Thanks for the shares and responses. Some of you have told me that you have also talked to ADSK about this, and others say it was fixed at one time, but is now broken. ADSK has reached out in the comments and has created a bug number in their tracking system. I will update later on it’s priority/timeframe if I get more info!

UPDATE 2: I can verify, this is fixed if you grab FBX 2016.1.2 or later from here. It should be fixed in future versions of Maya, and the bug was fixed before I wrote this post, but was not in Maya 2016. In the comments, Chris Dardis said that the fix was available in a non public cut of Maya he was using. As the link is not compiled, I have uploaded a compiled Maya 2016 FBX 2016.1.2 plugin here.

posted by Chris at 10:01 PM  

Monday, July 13, 2015

RigPorn: Square Enix Optical Facial Pipeline


posted by Chris at 6:29 PM  

Friday, January 23, 2015

BEWARE: Maya 2015 EXT / 2014 Constraint Incompatibility


I like to live on the edge when it comes to new versions of Maya, but rarely does it cause a major issue for me. A wise man once said ‘the moment you stop respecting something is when it bites you in the ass’. Well consider me bitten.

Anytime a rig I created with 2015 is loaded in 2014 it is irreparably broken. Spewing tons of errors like this one:
// Error: file: C:/Users/chris.evans/Desktop/ line 210: The orientConstraint ‘nurbsSphere1_orientConstraint1’ has no ‘w0’ attribute. //

Diffing two constrained spheres, I noticed that there’s a new flag called ‘DCB’ or Disconnect Behavior.  Batch delete that and it seems that 2015 rigs can work in 2014.

But as usual, be a better person than me and just don’t open a file with a version of Maya your animators aren’t on. 😀

posted by Chris at 10:57 PM  

Monday, January 5, 2015

An Epic Change of Venue


In November I started at Epic Games in North Carolina, joining Jeremy Ernst and his team to focus on high quality characters and related technologies. For quite some time I have been enamored with not only the decisions and business practices of Epic, but the engine itself. Whether it’s putting the code on github, or the deep implementations of things like Blueprint; I am constantly amazed that they seem to remain focused, always putting the user first.

Look for some cool things coming down the pipe this year, we have an amazing team of really talented people, and an huge user-base that spans all industries.

Not many people know that I was born in South Carolina, I grew up in Florida and went to school in Georgia. I always felt a bit out of place on the West Coast, it’s great to finally be back to a place that feels like home.

posted by Chris at 9:34 AM  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Destiny Rigging/Animation Slides and Videos Up


The Destiny talks at SIGGRAPH were really interesting, the material just went up and you should definitely check it out:

posted by Chris at 11:37 AM  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Embedding Icons and Images In Python with XPM


As technically-inclined artists, we often like to create polished UIs, but we have to balance this with not wanting to complicate the user experience (fewer files the better). I tend to not use too many icons with my tools, and my Maya tools often just steal existing icons from Maya: because I know they will be there.

However, you can embed bitmap icons into your PySide/PyQt apps by using the XPM file format, and storing it as a string array. Often I will just place images at the bottom of the file, this keeps icons inside your actual tool, and you don’t need to distribute multiple files or link to external resources.

Here’s an example XPM file:

/* XPM */
static char *heart_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
"7 6 2 1",
/* colors */
"` c None",
". c #e2385a",
/* pixels */

This is a small heart, you can actually see it, in the header you se the ‘.’ maps to pink, you can see the ‘.’ pattern of a heart. The XPM format is like C, the comments tell you what each block does.
Here’s an example in PySide that generates the above button with heart icon:

import sys
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
def main():
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    heartXPM = ['7 6 2 1','N c None','. c #e2385a','N..N..N',\
    w = QtGui.QWidget()
    w.setWindowTitle('XPM Test')
    w.button = QtGui.QPushButton('XPM Bitmaps', w)
if __name__ == '__main__':

You need to feed QT a string array, and strip everything out. Gimp can save XPM, but you can also load an image into xnView and save as XPM.

Addendum: Robert pointed out in the comments that pyrcc4, a tool that ships with PyQt4, can compile .qrc files into python files that can be imported. I haven’t tried, but if they can be imported, and are .py files, I guess they can be embedded as well. He also mentioned base64 encoding bitmap images into strings and parsing them. Both these solutions could really make your files much larger than XPM though.

posted by Chris at 3:23 PM  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tracing and Visualizing Driven-Key Relationships


Before I get into the collosal mess that is setting driven keys in Maya, let me start off by saying, when I first made an ‘SDK’ in college, back in 1999, never did I think I would still be rigging like this 15 years later. (Nor did I know that I was setting a ‘driven key’, or a ‘DK’ which sounds less glamorous)

How The Mess is Made


Grab this sample scene [driven_test]. In the file, a single locator with two attributes drives the translation and rotation of two other locators. Can’t get much ismpler than that, but look at this spaghetti mess above! This simple driven relationship created 24 curves, 12 blendWeighted nodes, and 18 unitConversion nodes. So let’s start to take apart this mess. When you set a driven-key relationship, it uses an input and a curve to drive another attribute:


When you have multiple attributes driving a node, maya creates ‘blendWeighted’ nodes, this blends the driven inputs to one scalar output, as you see with the translateX below:


Blending scalars is fairly straight forward, but for rotations, get ready for this craziness: A blendWeighted node cannot take the output of an animCurveUA (angle output), the value must first be converted to radians, then blended. But the final node cannot take radians, so the result must be converted back to an euler angle. This happens for each channel.


If you think this is retarded; welcome to the club. It is a very cool usage of general purpose nodes in Maya, but you wouldn’t think so much of rigging was built on that, would you? That when you create a driven-key it basically makes a bunch of nodes and doesn’t track an actual relationship, because of this, you can’t even reload a relationship into the SDK tool later to edit! (unless you traverse the spaghetti or takes notes or something)

I am in love with Node Edtor, but by default hypergraph did hide some of the spaghetti, it used to hide unitConversions as ‘auxiliary nodes’:


Node Editor shows unitConversions regardless of whether aux nodes are enabled, I would rather see too much and know what’s going on than have things hidden, but maybe that’s just me. You can actually define what nodes are considered aux nodes and whether ‘editors’ show them, but I am way off on a tangent here.

So just go in there and delete the unit conversion yourself and wire the euler angle output, which you would think is a float.. into the blendWeighted input, which takes floats. Maya won’t let you, it creates the unitConversion for you because animCurveUA outputs angles, not floats.

This is why our very simple example file generated over 50 nodes. On Ryse, Maruis’ face has about 73,000 nodes of driven-key spaghetti. (47,382 curves,  1,420 blendWeighted, 24,074 unitConversion)

Finding and traversing

So how do we find this stuff and maybe query and deal with it? Does Maya have some built in way of querying a driven relationship? No. Not that I have ever found. You must become one with the spaghetti! setDrivenKeyframe has a query mode, but that only tells you what ‘driver’ or ‘driven’ nodes/attrs are in the SDK window if it’s open, they don’t query driver or driven relationships!

We know that these intermediate nodes that store the keys are curves, but they’re a special kind of curve, one that doesn’t take time as an input. Here’s how to search for those:

print len("animCurveUL","animCurveUU","animCurveUA","animCurveUT")))

So what are these nodes? I mentioned above that animCurveUA puts out an angle:

  • animCurveUU – curve that takes a double precision float and has a double output
  • animCurveUA – takes a double and outputs an angle
  • animCurveUL – takes a double and outputs a distance (length)
  • animCurveUT – takes a double and outputs a time

When working with lots of driven-key relationships you frequently want to know what is driving what, and this can be very difficult because of all the intermediate node-spaghetti. Here’s what you often want to know:

  • What attribute is driving what – for instance, select all nodes an attr drives, so that you can add them back to the SDK tool. ugh.
  • What is being driven by an attribute

I wrote a small script/hack to query these relationships, you can grab it here [drivenKeyVisualizer]. Seriously, this is just a UI front end to a 100 line script snippet, don’t let the awesomeness of QT fool you.


The way I decided to go about it was:

  1. Find the driven-key curves
  2. Create a tiny curve class to store little ‘sdk’ objects
  3. List incoming connections (listConnections) to get the driving attr
  4. Get the future DG history as a list and reverse it (listHistory(future=1).reverse())
  5. Walk the reversed history until I hit a unitConversion or blendWeighted node
  6. Get it’s outgoing connection (listConnections) to find the plug that it’s driving
  7. Store all this as my sdk objects
  8. Loop across all my objects and generate the QTreeWidget

Here’s how I traversed that future history (in the file above):

 #search down the dag for all future nodes
 futureNodes = [node for node in cmds.listHistory(c, future=1, ac=1)]
 #reverse the list order so that you get farthest first
 drivenAttr = None
 #walk the list until you find either a unitConversion, blendWeighted, or nothing
 for node in futureNodes:
     if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'unitConversion':
             drivenAttr = cmds.listConnections(node + '.output', p=1)[0]
             cmds.warning('blendWeighted node with no output: ' + node)
     elif cmds.nodeType(node) == 'blendWeighted':
             drivenAttr = cmds.listConnections(node + '.output', p=1)[0]
             cmds.warning('blendWeighted node with no output: ' + node)
 if not drivenAttr:
     drivenAttr = cmds.listConnections(c + '.output', p=1)[0]
 if drivenAttr:
     dk.drivenAttr = drivenAttr
     cmds.warning('No driven attr found for ' + c)

This of course won’t work if you have anything like ‘contextual rigging’ that checks the value of an attr and then uses it to blend between two banks of driven-keys, but because this is all general DG nodes, as soon as you enter nodes by hand, it’s no longer really a vanilla driven-key relationship that’s been set.

If you have a better idea, let me know, this above is just a way I have done it that has been robust, but again, I mainly drive transforms.

 What can you do?

Prune Unused Pasta


Pruned version of the DAG

By definition, when rigging something with many driven transforms like a face, you are creating driven-key relationships based on what you MIGHT need. This goes for when making the initial relationship, or in the future when you maybe want to add detail. WILL I NEED to maybe translate an eyelid xform to get a driven pose I want.. MAYBE.. so you find yourself keying rot/trans on *EVERYTHING*. That’s what I did in my example, and the way the Maya SDK tool works, you can’t really choose which attrs per driven node you want to drive, so best to ‘go hunting with a shotgun’ as we say. (shoot all the trees and hope something falls out)

Ok so let’s write some code to identify and prune driven relationships we didn’t use.

CAUTION: I would only ever do this in a ‘publish’ step, where you take your final rig and delete crap to make it faster (or break it) for animators. Also, I have never used this exact code below in production, I just created it while making this blog post as an example. I have run it on some of our production rigs and haven’t noticed anything terrible, but I also haven’t really looked. 😀

def deleteUnusedDriverCurves():
    for driverCurve in"animCurveUL","animCurveUU","animCurveUA","animCurveUT")):
        #delete unused driven curves
        if not [item for item in cmds.keyframe(driverCurve, valueChange=1, q=1) if abs(item) > 0.0]:

This deletes any curves that do not have a change in value. You could have multiple keys, but if there’s no curve, let’s get rid of it. Now that we have deleted some curves, we have some blendWeighted nodes that now aren’t blending anything and unitConversions that are worthless creatures. Let’s take care of them:

def deleteUnusedBlendNodes():
    #rewire blend nodes that aren't blending anything
    for blendNode in'blendWeighted'):
        if len(cmds.listConnections(blendNode, destination=0)) == 1:
            curveOutput = None
            drivenInput = None
            #leap over the unitConversion if it exists and find the driving curve
            curveOutput = cmds.listConnections(blendNode, destination=0, plugs=1, skipConversionNodes=1)[0]
            #leap over the downstream unitConversion if it exists
            conns = cmds.listConnections(blendNode, source=0, plugs=1, skipConversionNodes=1)
            for conn in conns:
                if cmds.nodeType(conn.split('.')[0]) == 'hyperLayout': conns.pop(conns.index(conn))
            if len(conns) == 1:
                drivenInput = conns[0]
                cmds.warning('BlendWeighted had more than two outputs? Node: ' + blendNode)
            #connect the values, delete the blendWeighted
            cmds.connectAttr(curveOutput, drivenInput, force=1)
            print 'Removed', blendNode, 'and wired', curveOutput, 'to', drivenInput

We find all blendWeighted nodes with only one input, then traverse out from them and directly connect whatever it was the node was blending, then we delete it. This is a bit tricky and I still think I may have missed something because I wrote this example at 2am, but I ran it on some rigs and haven’t seen an issue.

Here are the results running this code on an example rig:


Create a Tool To Track / Mirror / Select Driven Relationships

This is a prototype I was working on at home but shelved, I would like to pick it up again when I have some time, or would be open to tossing it on github if people would like to help. It’s not rocket science, it’s besically what Maya should have by default. You just want to track the relationships you make, and also select all nodes driven by an attr. Also mirror their transforms across an axis (more geared toward driven transforms).


Write Your Own Driver Node

Many places create their own ‘driven node’ that just stores driven relationships. Judd Simantov showed a Maya node that was used on Uncharted2 to store all facial poses/driven relationships:


The benefits of making your own node are not just in DAG readability, check out the time spent evaluating all these unitConversion and blendWeighted nodes in a complex facial rig (using the new Maya 2015 EXT 1 Profiler tool) –that’s over 760ms! (click to enlarge)


Though it’s not enough to make a node like this, you need to make a front end to manage it, here’s the front end for this node:


Give Autodesk Feedback!


As the PSD request is ‘under review’, maybe when they make the driver, they can make a more general framework to drive things in Maya.


As you can see, there are many ways to try to manage and contain the mess generated by creating driven-key relationships.  I would like to update this based on feedback, it’s definitely not an overview, and speaks more to people who have been creating driven-key relationships for quite some time.  Also, if you would find a tool like my Maya SDK replacement useful, let me know, especially if you would like to help iron it out and/or test it.

posted by Chris at 3:16 PM  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reminder: Maya saves ScriptEditor tabs on crash


This is just a reminder that for some time now Maya has been saving all ScriptEditor tabs on crash. I frequently bump into people who don’t know or don’t remember this. If your Maya says that it’s attempting to save in your /Temp folder, it’s also saving all your ScriptEditor tabs.

posted by Chris at 11:56 AM  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Why Storing String Refs is Dangerous and Irresponsible

Yes! Definitely a clickbait title if there ever was one; but this is important! Some of you contacted me regarding my earlier post (Don’t Use String Paths), where I said you should never use string names to keep track of anything even vaguely important in Maya.

This problem is so fundamental in Maya that the initial Python code test I came up with for the Crytek Technical Art Dept used to be a simple maya node renamer. No joke.


From time to time I see code that attempts reach out into the DAG and grab nodes by concatenating tokens like:

character_side + '_' + character_name + '_arm_' + UID + '_' + type

This is SUPER dangerous. You are basically guessing that an object exists, and betting your whole tool or codebase on this, it’s super fragile.

Let’s use the example of making a turtle, let’s call him ‘Red’, he’s red, and his shell is soft:

cmds.joint(name = 'red' + '_' + shell_hardness + '_' + animal_type + '_hand')'red' + '_' + shell_hardness + '_' + animal_type + '_hand')
# Error: No object matches name: red_soft_turtle_hand
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "", line 1, in 
# ValueError: No object matches name: red_soft_turtle_hand #

First up, you should *never* do this, when you are creating a node with a name you are making from scratch, you *must* first check if it exists. If it exists, Maya will alter the name and you will not be able to find it, your code will immediately break either with the above error, or this one:'red_soft_turtle_hand')
# Error: More than one object matches name: red_soft_turtle_hand
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "", line 1, in 
# ValueError: More than one object matches name: red_soft_turtle_hand #


So here’s something a bit more safe, but still not recommended in situations where this is important:

hand_jnt = cmds.joint(name = 'red' + '_' + shell_hardness + '_' + animal_type + '_hand')
print hand_jnt
# >>: red_soft_turtle_hand1

Here, we’re storing the node created in a variable, if the name is not the name we expected, we still know how to find the node. This is a lot safer, your code will continue to run, but it’s also not a great way of working. Maya created our joint, but called it ‘red_soft_turtle_hand1’, but, because we stored the node returned from the command creating it into a variable, we can print hand_jnt, and it will return ‘red_soft_turtle_hand1’.

To be super clear, this is more safe because:

  • Maya is resolving any name clashes for you automatically
  • You get the *real* name returned to you from Maya upon node creation
  • If you create a node name that exists elsewhere, it returns you a full path automatically

This is somewhat acceptable in code that’s building a rig. Wham! Bam! You created a node and then did something with it seconds later and never looked back!


So let’s say you’re doing the slightly safer way, and you’re storing long paths of nodes which Maya gives you the name of. As soon as you store a long path, it’s stale.  This is what I meant above, the longer you store this information, the less reliable it is.

Let’s look at our joint, its long path is:


If *any* of the six parent nodes names change, just a single character! You’re dead in the water. If the hierarchy changes: you’re dead in the water.

If you’re working with someone who defends the above by saying the following

  • “Oh, the hierarchy will never change”
  • “Oh, there will never be a node with the same name”
  • “Oh, no one will ever rename any of these”

The Maya DAG is the wild west.
You WILL have duplicate node names.
You WILL have hierarchy changes.
Professional tools don’t only work with a bunch of caveats,
if it’s a valid Maya scene, your code should work with it:


There are clear ways to overcome the challenge above, they’re not secrets, they are actually the professional way Autodesk tells you to do it in the docs, code examples, and their own implementations.

You don’t *have* to work 100% in the API or PyMel, but like we said before, as soon as possible get a pointer to your object. Think of any string path as having a short half-life.

Using The Maya Python API

In C++ when you pass around an object, you have a pointer to it’s location in memory. The name and DAG path can change, but you can at any time get the current name, and path. Fresh, not stale!

import maya.OpenMaya as om
m_dg = om.MFnDagNode()
m_obj = m_dg.create("joint")
m_dagPath = om.MDagPath()
if m_obj.hasFn(om.MFn.kDagNode):
    om.MDagPath.getAPathTo( m_obj, m_dagPath )
    print m_dagPath.fullPathName()
# >>: |joint1

Using PyMel

PyMel wraps the API, a PyMel object is a *real* python object that stores the actual MObject, but you don’t have to use the API.

myJoint = joint(name='doesnt_even_matter')
print myJoint.fullPath()
# >>: |root|pelvis|shell|some_other_joint|arm1|arm2|red_soft_turtle_hand|doesnt_even_matter
#In case you never used PyMel, here's some examples of convenience functions:

Notice that PyMel is handing you back python objects, you can ask the object for it’s full path at any time, and it will be fresh data.

Using Message Attrs

Message attributes are how Alias decided users will serialize relationships between nodes. I have removed this section because future-me wrote an entire post dedicated to this (The Mighty Message Attribute).


The important thing here is that you decide a consistent way of using the above. At Crytek we tried to have all core functions that accepted or passed DG nodes, do the handoff as MObjects. We serialized all important relationships with message attrs, and when there was too much data for that to be efficient, we stamped nodes with metadata.


If you have an existing pipeline where you build a lot of string references by concatenating tokens like the example above, you can make a convenience function that will validate your assumptions and deal gracefully with issues. Something like my_utils.get_node(‘my’ + ‘_’ + ‘thing’)

posted by Chris at 3:28 PM  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Maya DAG nodes in QT tools (don’t use string paths)



String paths to Maya objects are _fragile_. This data is stale as soon as you receive it, long paths are better than short, and taking into account namespaces is even better –BUT when it comes down to it, the data is just old as soon as you get it, and there is a better way.

A Full Path that is Never Stale

If you store a node in a Maya Python API MDagPath object, you can ask at any time and get its full path. Because it’s basically a pointer to the object in memory. Here’s an example:

import maya.OpenMaya as om
#create and populate an MSelectionList
sel = om.MSelectionList()
#create and fill an MDagPath
mdag = om.MDagPath()
sel.getDagPath(0, mdag)
#At any time request the current fullpath to the node
print mdag.fullPathName()

CHALLENGE: Can you write a renaming tool that doesn’t use string path node representation? That works with all DG nodes? Without using PyMel? 😉

Embedding Maya Python Objects in PyQT (UserRole)

So.. if we can store a pointer to an object, how do we track that with QT UIs, pass it around, etc? It can be really difficult to find a way to be responsible here, you have all these lists and node representations, and in the past I would try to sync lists of python MDagPath objects, or make a dictionary that mirrors the listView… but there is a way to store arbitrary python objects on list and tree widgetitems!

In this code snipet, I traverse a selection and add all selected nodes to a list, I add ‘UserRole’ data to each and set that data to be an MDagPath:

    listWids = []
    for item in nodes:
        sel = om.MSelectionList()
        mdag = om.MDagPath()
        sel.getDagPath(0, mdag)
        name = mdag.fullPathName()
        if not self.longNamesCHK.isChecked():
            name = name.split('|')[-1]
        wid = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(listWid)
        wid.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, mdag)

Now, later when we want to get the full path name of this widgetItem, we just ask it for this data. That returns the MDagPath object, and we can ask the object for the current full path to the node:

print self.drivenNodeLST.currentItem().data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole).fullPathName()

So this is a good way to have arbitrary data that travels wit the QT node description, which is usually some kind of widget.

posted by Chris at 12:40 PM  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ryse SIGGRAPH 2014 Reel

I mentioned that we won “best Realtime Graphics” at this year’s SIGGRAPH conference, but I never linked the video:

posted by Chris at 4:24 PM  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Multi-Resolution Facial Rigging

At SIGGRAPH we discussed a bit about our facial pipeline that we haven’t talked about before. Namely, facial LODs and multi-platform facial rigging.

I would like to start by saying that we spent a _LOT_ of time thinking about facial levels of detail on Ryse, and put a lot of effort into the area. I know this is a long post, but it’s an important one.


Lowest Common Denominator

As the ‘next-generation’ seems to be largely defined by mult-platform titles it seems valuable to focus on ways to increase fidelity on next generation hardware while still being able to target older hardware specs. That said, I have yet to see a pipeline to do this. Most next gen games have skeletons and animations limited by the lowest common denominator of the last generation, often Playstation 3.

When you wonder why your awesome next gen game doesn’t seem to have character models and animation like next-gen only titles, this is why.

It’s very easy to increase texture resolution by having a pipeline where you author high and bake to lower targets.  It’s more complicated to author meshes high and publish to lower targets, we did this on Crysis 1 and 2, High end PC saw higher mesh resolution characters than Xbox 360. I would say it’s the hardest to make rigs, deformers, and animations for a high spec hardware target and create a process to publish lower fidelity versions. No one wants to have different character skeletons on each hardware platform.


You Deserve an Explanation

When we released the specs of our faces, people understandably were a bit taken aback.  Why on earth would you need 250 blendshapes if you have 260 joints? This above is actually a slide from our asset creation SIGGRAPH course that resonated very well with the audience.

Let’s take a look at some goals:

  1. Cut-scene fidelity in gameplay at any time- no cut-scene rigs
  2. Up to 70 characters on screen
  3. Able to run on multiple hardware specs

The only way to achieve the first two is through a very aggressive and granular level of detail (LOD) scheme. Once having that LOD system in place, the third item will come for free, as it did on our previous titles. However, as we have LODed meshes and materials, we had never LODed rigs.

On a feature film, we wouldn’t use joints, we would have a largely blendshape-only face.

But this doesn’t LOD well, we need to be able to strip out facial complexity in the distance and on other platforms.

Facial Level of Detail

So to achieve these goals, we must aggressively LOD our character faces.

Let’s generate some new goals:

  • Improve LOD system to allow the swapping or culling of skinned meshes per-mesh, each at hand-tailored distances per-character instance
  • Not only swap meshes, but skinning algorithms, materials, cull blendshapes, etc..
  • One skeleton – all levels of detail stored in one nested hierarchy, disable/reveal joints at different LOD levels, as I mention above, no one wants multiple skeletons
  • One animation set – drives all layers of detail because it’s one hierarchy, only the enabled joints receive animation
  • All facial animations shareable between characters
  • Faces snapped onto bodies at runtime – “Cry parent constraint” of sorts snaps head, neck, spine4, clavs, and upper arms of facial rig to body, allowing dynamic LODing of face irrespective of body.


One Hierarchy to Rule them All

Before going into the meshes, skinning algorithms, culling, etc.. it’s important to understand the hierarchy of the face. At any given mesh LOD level, there are many joints that are not skinned. Above you see three layers of joints, 9 LOD0, 3 LOD1, and 1 LOD2.

To use a single hierarchy, but have it drive meshes at different levels, you need to accomplish the following:

  • Make sure you have three layers that can drive different facial LODs, we had something like 260/70/15 on Ryse.
  • Each layer must be driven, and able to deform that LOD alone. Meaning when creating rig logic, you must start from the highest LOD and move down the chain. The LOD0 joints above would only be responsible for skinning the details of the face at LOD0, their gross movement comes from their parent, LOD1.

Here you can see the Marius example video from our slides. Notice the ORANGE joints are responsible for gross movement and the YELLOW or GREEN leaf joints just add detail.



Why blendshapes? Isn’t 260 joints enough?

The facial hierarchy and rig is consistent between all characters. The rig logic that drives those joints is changed and tweaked, the skinning is tweaked, but no two faces are identical. the blendshapes serve two main purposes:

1) Get the joint rig back on scan. Whatever the delta from the joint rig to the scan data that is associated with that solved pose from the headcam data, bridge that. This means fat around Nero’s neck, bags under his eyes, his eyebrow region, etc.

2) Add volume where it’s lost due to joint skinning. Areas like the lips, the cheeks, rig functions like lips together, sticky lips, etc, require blendshapes.


Look at the image above, there just aren’t enough joints in the brow to catch that micro-expression on Nero’s face. It comes through with the blendshape, and he goes from looking like you kicked his dog, to his accusatory surprise when he figures out that you are Damoclese.

A Look Under the Hood: Ryse Facial LODing

Thanks to the hard work of graphics engineer Jerome Charles we were able to granularly LOD our faces. These values are from your buddy Vitallion, who was a hero and could be a bit less aggressive. Many of the barbarians you fight en masse blew through all their blendshapes in 2m not 4m.

Assets / Technologies (LOD)
CPU skinning, 8 inf, 260 joints, 230 blendshapes, tangent update, 5k  tris across multiple meshes 0-4m
CPU skinning, 8 inf, 260 joints, 3-5k across multiple meshes with small face parts culled 4-7m
GPU skinning, 4 inf, 70 joints, 2k mesh with integrated eyes 7-10m
GPU skinning , 4 inf, <10 joints, <1k mesh 10m+


Here’s a different table showing the face mesh parts that we culled and when:

Distance Face parts
4m Eyebrow meshes replaced, baked into facial texture
3m Eyelash geometry culled
3m Eye AO ‘overlay’ layer culled
4m Eye balls removed, replaced with baked in eyes in head mesh
2m Eye ‘water’ miniscus culled
3m Eye tearduct culled
3m Teeth swapped for built-in mesh
3m Tongue swapped for built-in mesh

Why isn’t this standard?

Because it’s very difficult and very complicated, there aren’t so many people in that can pull something like this off. On Ryse we partnered with my friend Vlad at 3Lateral, after 4 months working on the initial Marius facial prototype, he and his team were able to deliver 23 more facial rigs at the same fidelity in just under three months!

But also, there’s the whole discussion about whether the time and effort spent on that last 5% really pays off in the end. Why not just use PS3 facial rigs on all platforms and spend a little more on marketing? It’s happening! And those guys probably aren’t going bankrupt any time soon..  ¬.¬

I am insanely proud of what the team accomplished on Ryse. Facial rigging is nothing without a great bunch of artists, programmers, animators, etc. Here’s some good moments where the performances really come through, these are all the in-game meshes and rigs:

DISCLAIMER: All of the info above and more is publicly available in our SIGGRAPH 2014 course notes.

posted by Chris at 4:40 AM  

Monday, August 25, 2014

Maya 2015: Poly Combine Skinned Meshes?

At Crytek, we have a plugin to preserve skinning on hacking up and uniting meshes, based on this old post here. It’s released in the Tools folder of CryENGINE if you grabbed the engine on Steam. Imagine my surprise when I saw this option in Maya 2015:


It fires off a new polyUnite command called polyUniteSkinned [Maya 2015 Docs], which can merge skinned meshes? Has anyone gotten this to work? It doesn’t seem to work properly through the UI, passes ‘name’ as a flag and fails as they removed that flag. (seriously) But it seems to work in simple situations, as shown here, it didn’t work attaching a face to a body, but at least it shows ADSK is moving in the right direction!


posted by Chris at 12:42 AM  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Adding Sublime ‘Build’ Support for KL


I have been dabbling with KL and that Fabric guys have some great introduction videos [here]. They have worked hard on some Sublime integration/highlighting, which you can find on GitHub [here].

While following these intro tutorials, instead of popping back and forth to your command line, you can actually compile/run your code in Sublime and see the results. To do this go to Preferences>Browse Packages… Then open that Sublime-KL folder, and inside create a new file called ‘KL.sublime-build‘, the contents of which should be:

"cmd": ["kl", "$file"]

Then just select KL from the ‘Build System’ menu as shown above, now press CTRL+B and it will show results inside the Sublime console!

posted by Chris at 2:13 AM  

Sunday, August 10, 2014



Crytek has won the SIGGRAPH 2014 award for ‘Best Real-Time Graphics’ with Ryse: Son of Rome, check it out in the Electronic Theater or Computer Animation Festival this week at SIGGRAPH.

We are also giving multiple talks:

I will be speaking in the asset production talk, as well as Sascha Herfort and Lars Martinsson. It’s also the first course we have done at Crytek where the entire course is devoted to one of our projects and we have 50+ pages of coursenotes going into the ACM digital library.

posted by Chris at 12:54 AM  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

RigPorn: The Last of Us

I realize most of you have seen this, but for those of you who haven’t, Judd walks people through TLOU rigs with a focus on facial as well. Really great stuff.

posted by Chris at 3:15 PM  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

RigPorn: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

[Click to enlarge images]

(All images taken from recent CoD marketing materials)


Here you can see the first-person hands rig, complete with camera frustum tools, and animation controls.


Close-up of the generic male rig, no face rig loaded at the moment, but still interesting.


Here’s a great shot of their first-person-hands-picker. I always love seeing how animators want to work, I really never have worked on a team who wanted a picker, much less something like this, but it’s great to see.


Another picker, maybe the full body one, or cinematics only.

Shooting at giant’s new studio in manhattan beach?


Surprisingly, this looks like it is being shot at Giant’s Manhattan Beach facility, also looks like Giant hardware and marker layout -feel free to correct me if I am wrong. If the unique poured concrete construction doesn’t give it away, they also released images with giant Avatar banners in the background.


posted by Chris at 1:34 AM  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Geodesic Voxel Binding in Maya 2015

If you’re like me, your ears will perk up at any technology promising a better initial skin bind. So I decided to take a look at the new geodesic voxel binding in Maya 2015, I couldn’t find much information about it online, so I decided to do the usual and write the post I would have wanted to find when I googled. I hope it’s useful.


This new way of skin binding was presented by Autodesk at SIGGRAPH 2013.


Here’s a link to the SIGGRAPH 2013 white paper: Geodesic Voxel Binding for Production Character Meshes, definitely worth checking out. I do like how Autodesk is now using the word ‘Production’ a lot more. It seems they are no longer using simple test cases to test pipelines and workflows. Above, they used our Nanosuit, from the Crysis franchise. Here’s the full video that accompanies the talk: [LINK]

How It Works


The basic idea is that it voxelizes characters into three types of voxels, skeleton, interior, and boundary. This way it tries to eliminate cross-talk. At ILM we had a binding solution in Zeno that used mesh normals and this eliminated crosstalk between manifold parts like fingers, but most of this paper focuses on skinning non-manifold meshes, meshes with intersecting parts, open holes, etc.

In Practice

Here’s the hand of the Marius bust we send out for rigging tests, notice when skinned with Closest in Hierarchy, there is some significant crosstalk:


Here’s an initial finger bind with the new algorithm, there’s still some crosstalk at 1024voxel resolution (highest possible), but it’s much better:


As someone who is very nitpicky about my skinning, *any* crosstalk at all is unacceptable, and it takes me about the same amount of time to clean the tiniest values as it does these larger ones. Here’s a closer look at some of the crosstalk from the ‘gb’ binding:


Crosstalk isn’t just bad for deformation, but these tiny little values are inefficient and sloppy, especially if you are sending it to a game engine.

Another area that requires significant cleanup is the underarm area where the serratus anterior lies, here I thought the new approach would work very well, unfortunately the binding didn’t have a noticeable difference from previous methods.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge (Head mesh from CryENGINE Asset Pack on Steam)

Few things are more difficult to skin than the human face. Here you can see traditional vs geodesic. I will say it’s definitely better than the old bind, but still has issues. This is one of the first initial skin binds on a closed-mouth neutral bindpose I have seen that has no cross-talk on one lip. I tweaked the falloffs doing three different binds on the traditional on the left.



Another thing I like is a hint at a multi-threaded future. The binding process (voxel calculation, etc) is multi-threaded. At Crytek, we even make hardware purchasing decisions based on Maya not being multi-threaded. We get animators the fastest 2 core CPUs, this allows them better interactive framerates, and still a second core for a headless mayapy to export a long linear cutscene or animation. It’s nice to see Autodesk begin to think about multi-threading tools and processes.

In Conclusion

The new Geodesic Bind algorithm from Autodesk is a step forward. There’s still no free lunch, but I will be using this as my default bind in the future. I will update this post if I run into any problems or benefits not outlined here. It would be great if there was a voxel debug view, or the ability to dynamically drive voxel resolution with an input like vertex colors a map, or polygon density.

Backwards Compatibility: New Nodes and Attrs

If you just want to use the latest Maya to try the feature, here are some gotchas. There is a new geomBind node, and some attributes on shape nodes:

// Error: file: C:/Users/chris/Desktop/TechAnimationTest/TechAnimationTest/ line 28725: The skinCluster ‘skinCluster1’ has no ‘gb’ attribute. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/chris/Desktop/crytek_sdk_head_a/ line 27464: Unrecognized node type ‘geomBind’; preserving node information during this session. //
// Error: file: C:/Users/chris/Desktop/crytek_sdk_head_a/ line 34: The mesh ‘eyes_MSH’ has no ‘.sdt’ attribute. //

The geomBind node stores ‘the post voxel validation state performed during the geodesic voxel bind algorithm.’ and some other attributes. It has a message attr that connects to a skinCluster. The SDT attr on shapes is not related to skinning, it is a new ‘Subdivision Method’ attr for the openSubDiv support.


The above said, it seems to work fine for me if I just delete that stuff, the skin weights are fine.


posted by Chris at 1:29 AM  

Monday, June 30, 2014

Wasted Time, Sunken Cost, and Working In a Team



Let’s say that you want to do something, like watch a movie. When you arrive and open your wallet to purchase a 10 dollar ticket, you notice you have lost a 10 dollar bill, the majority of people buy a movie ticket anyway (88%).

Let’s examine a slightly different situation, where you arrive at the theater, but have misplaced your ticket, would you go buy another? Studies show that a majority of people (54%) would not re-purchase a ticket and watch the film. The situations are the same, but in the first, you lost 10 dollars, it wasn’t associated with the movie, in the second, you lost your ticket, 10 dollars that was specifically allotted to that task, and loss sucks.

This is a great example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Kahneman and Tversky are two researchers who have spent a lot of their careers looking at loss aversion and decision theory. The bottom line is, it’s human nature that the more you invest in something, the harder it is to abandon it. As a Technical Artist, you will find yourself in a position where you are the decision-maker, don’t let your ape ancestors trick you into making a poor decision.

..since all decisions involve uncertainty about the future the human brain you use to make decisions has evolved an automatic and unconscious system for judging how to proceed when a potential for loss arises. Kahneman says organisms that placed more urgency on avoiding threats than they did on maximizing opportunities were more likely to pass on their genes. So, over time, the prospect of losses has become a more powerful motivator on your behavior than the promise of gains. Whenever possible, you try to avoid losses of any kind, and when comparing losses to gains you don’t treat them equally. – You Are Not So Smart



As a Technical Artist in a position to lead or direct a team, you will often be the person signing off tools or features you and your team have requested. How many times have you been in the following situation:

A feature or tool is requested. Joe, a genius ‘lone wolf’ programmer receives the task, he is briefed and told to update the customers periodically or ask them in the case he needs any clarification. Now, sometimes what happens is what my brother likes to call ‘The Grand Reveal’. It’s where, for whatever reason, Joe sits in his corner working hard on a task, not involving anyone, and on the last day he valiantly returns from the mountain top and presents something that is unfortunately neither really what was requested or needed.

In this situation, you get together with his Lead and point out that what is delivered is not what was requested, he will more than likely reply “But Joe spent four weeks on this! Surely we can just use this until Joe can later rework it?”

No, you really can’t. Joe needs to know he works on a team, that people rely on his work. Nothing gets people to deliver what they are supposed to next time like being forced to redo their work. I guarantee you next time Joe will be at your teams desks any time he has a question about the tool or feature he is working on. You know the needs of your project or team, it’s important that you do not compromise those because someone wasted time running off in the wrong direction or has problems working in a team.

I’m sure Joe is a really smart guy, but he’s also now four weeks behind.



Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization of our efforts.
– Ted Engstrom


A Feature Brief is a one page document that serves as a contract between the person requesting a feature and the one implementing it. My Feature Briefs outline three main things:

  1. A short description of the feature or tool
  2. It’s function – how does it work, what are the expected results
  3. It’s justification – why is it needed? What is the problem that is needed to be solved.

It’s important that work not begin until both parties agree on all terminology and requests in the feature brief -again, treat it as a contract. And it’s worth mentioning that Feature Briefs aren’t always needed, but they’re a great way to make sure that goals are clearly defined, everyone’s on the same page, and leave zero wiggle room for interpretation. Here is an example Feature Brief for the first Pose Driver we developed at Crytek.


Work with Joe’s Lead or Manager to set up ‘Gates’, it’s important that he get the feedback as early as possible if he’s going down the wrong track. I understand that bothering people halfway through a task may not be kosher in Agile development, but never just assume that someone will deliver what you need on the last day of a sprint.


Break down the goal into tasks whose progress can be reviewed, it’s important that you, the primary stakeholder, are involved in signing off these gates. Any gated process is only as useful as the person signing off the work, the above comic may seem harsh, but it’s vitally important that the stakeholder is involved in reviewing work. Joe’s manager has a vested interest in Joe moving on to his next tasks, you have a vested interest in the tool or feature being what your team, the company, and whomever else needs.

Perhaps Joe will first present an outline, or maybe after taking a detailed look at the problem, Joe has a better solution he would like to pitch and you all agree to change the Feature Brief. The next gate would be to evaluate a working prototype. You probably know a lot about the feature as you requested it –are there any gotchas, any things that just wont work or have been overlooked? Last is usually a more polished implementation and a user interface.



If Joe has a Lead or Manager, check with them, no need to bother Joe, that’s what the others are there for. If you ask them details about where he’s at, more often than not they will offer for you to speak with him or get you an update. It’s just important to understand that if Joe delivers something that’s not what you need, it’s your fault too. Joe is only a genius in the trenches, it’s your job to make sure that he’s not barking up the wrong tree and wasting company time. It may be tempting, but never allow these guys to shoot themselves in the foot, if you think he’s not on the right track, you need to do something about it. Even without gated development, frequently check the progress of items that are important to you. The atmosphere should be that of a relay race, you are ready to accept the baton, and it needs to be what was agreed upon or you all fail.



More-often-than-not, whatever Joe did in the time he had allotted is going to be what you ship with. If you agree he will return to address the issues later, make sure that when this doesn’t happen, your team can still be successful. Nothing should be higher priority than a mistake that holds up another team. I am sure you feel this way when it’s your team, when a rig update from last week is causing all gun holster keys to be lost on animation export, it’s important to address that before new work. The same can be said for Joe’s work, don’t make it personal, he is now behind, your guys are relying on him, and it should be high priority for him to deliver the agreed upon work.

posted by Chris at 12:02 AM  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Undersea Creatures, 2013

After Ryse wrapped, Colleen and I went diving in Asia for a month. I finally finished the epic After Effects project, srsly.. not for the faint of heart, I think I had over 200 layers. So yeah, my love for creatures has completely enveloped my spare time as well.

Colleen shot roughly half of this, while I am fiddling around with my aperture and strobes, she’s already gotten a video of the thing doing a backflip while waving to the camera. The little frogfish yawning, the tozeuma shrimp changing directions, and others are all hers..

posted by Chris at 1:05 AM  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PyQt: Composite Widgets


So the past few nights I was racking my brain a bit to get multiple widgets adding to a listview. I wanted to see a list of animations, each item in the list needed to have clickable buttons, and special labels.

I scoured the internets, and dusted off my old trusty ‘Rapid GUI Programming with Python and QT‘ book, I got the idea for the above from the ‘Composite Widgets’ chapter subsection, though they don’t use setItemWidget to insert a composite widget into another widget.

Here is what my QtDesigner file looked like:


I wanted to dynamically load a UI file of a custom widget and compile it with the UIC module. I first looked at making a delegate, but I just could not get that working, if you have done this with a delegate, let me know in the comments! (From the docs, it seems delegates cannot be composites of multiple widgets)

In the end I used pyuic4 to compile the above UI file into a python code, I dumped this, minus the form/window code, into a class I derive from QWidget:

class animItemWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(animItemWidget, self).__init__()
        self.horizontalLayout_4 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self)
        #blah, blah, blah

At the bottom of that length UI frenzy of an init, let’s connect a button to a function:

self.connect(self.button02, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.awesome)

Now define that function, let’s just print that the animation that the widget in the list whose button you clicked is AWESOME:

    def awesome(self):
        print self.label.text() + ' is awesome!'

This could do anything with the anim name or various data bound to this object, like check out/sync a file from Perforce, load a file in Maya, etc.

Now let’s make our main window. We are going to use setItemWidget to insert our animItemWidget into the QListWidget called ‘list’. Notice that I have access to every UI element in the composite widget.

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, uic
class uiControlTest(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        super(uiControlTest, self).__init__()
        self.ui = uic.loadUi('uiControlTest.ui')
        for i in range(0,100):
            wid = animItemWidget()
            wid.label_2.setText('Last edited by chrise @2014.06.21:23:17')
            wid.label.setText('Animation ' + str(i))
            wid2 = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
            wid2.setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(100, 40))
            self.ui.list.setItemWidget(wid2, wid)

Now, of course, in my example I just quickly made a bunch of widgets, so their names are all default, but you get the idea. If you have a better way to do this, perhaps something more performant, please let me know in the comments.

Note: It looks like that book is freely available on a college class website, save yourself 50 bucks:

posted by Chris at 2:38 AM  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Maya: Vector Math by Example


This post is about how to use vector math and trigonometric functions in Maya, it is not a linear algebra or vector math course, it should give you what you need to follow along in Maya while you learn with online materials. Kahn Academy is a great online learning resource for math, and Mathematics for Computer Graphics, and Linear Algebra and its Applications are very good books. Gilbert Strang, the Author of Linear Algebra, has his entire MIT Linear Algebra course lectures here in video form. Also, Volume 2 of Complete Maya Programming has some vector math examples in MEL and C++.



Think of the white vector above as a movement. It does have three scalar values (ax, ay, az), sure, but do not think of a vector as a point or a position. When you see a vector, I believe it helps to imagine it as a movement from 0,0,0 – an origin. We don’t know where it started, we only know the movement.

A vector has been normalized, or is considered a unit vector, when it’s length is one. This is achieved by dividing each component by the length.


There are many Python libraries dedicated to vector math, but none ship with Python itself. I have tried numPy, then pyEuclid, and finally piMath. It can definitely be a benefit to load the same vector class across multiple apps like Maya, MotionBuilder, etc.. But, I used those in a time when MotionBuilder had no vector class, and before Maya had the API. Today, I use the vector class built into the Maya Python API (2.0), which wraps the underlying Maya C++ code: MVector

I had to call out 2.0 above, as those of you using the old API, you have to ‘cast’ your vectors to/from, meaning that classes like MVector (Maya’s vector class) don’t accept python objects like lists or tuples, this is still the case with the 2014 SWIG implementation of the default API, but not API 2.0. One solution is to override the MVector class in a way that it accepts a Python lists and tuples, essentially automatically casting it for you:

class MVector(om.MVector):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if( issubclass, args, list ) and len(args[0])== 3:
            om.MVector.__init__(self, args[0][0], args[0][1], args[0][2])
            om.MVector.__init__(self, args)

But that aside, just use Maya Python API 2.0:

#import API 2.0
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
#import old API
import maya.OpenMaya as om_old



Let’s first create two cubes, and move them

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
cube1, cube2 = cmds.polyCube()[0], cmds.polyCube()[0]
cmds.xform(cube2, t=(1,2,3))
cmds.xform(cube1, t=(3,5,2))

Let’s get the translation of each, and store those as MVectors

t1, t2 = cmds.xform(cube1, t=1, q=1), cmds.xform(cube2, t=1, q=1)
print t1,t2
v1, v2 = om.MVector(t1), om.MVector(t2)
print v1, v2

This will return the translation in the form [x, y, z], and also the MVector, which will print: (x, y, z), and in the old API: <__main__.MVector; proxy of <Swig Object of type ‘MVector *’ at 0x000000002941D2D0> >. This is a SWIG wrapped C++ object, API 2.0 prints the vector.

Note: I just told you to think of vectors as a movement, and not as a position, and the first example I give stores translation in a vector. Maybe not the best, but remember this translation, is really being stored as a movement in space from an origin.

So let’s start doing stuff and things.


We have two translations, both stored as vectors, let’s get the distance between them, to do this, we want to make a new vector that describes a ray from one location to the other and then find it’s length, or magnitude. To do this we subtract each component of v1 from v2:

v = v2-v1
print v

This results in ‘-2.0 -3.0 1.0’.

To get the length of the vector we actually get the square root of the sum of x,y,and z squared sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), but as we haven’t covered the math module yet, let’s just ask the MVector for the ‘length’:

print om.MVector(v2-v1).length()

This will return 3.74165738677, which, if you snap a measure tool on the cubes, you can verify:


Use Case: Distance Check

As every joint in a hierarchy is in it’s parent space, a joint’s ‘magnitude’ is it’s length. Let’s create a lot of joints, then select them by joint length.

import maya.cmds as cmds
import random as r
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
root = cmds.joint()
jnts = []
for i in range(0, 2000):
    jnt = cmds.joint()
    trans = (r.randrange(-100,100), r.randrange(-100,100), r.randrange(-100,100))
    cmds.xform(jnt, t=trans)
cmds.parent(jnts, root)


So we’ve created this cloud of joints, but let’s just select those joints with a joint length of less than 50.

sel = []
for jnt in jnts:
    v = om.MVector(cmds.xform(jnt, t=1, q=1))
    if v.length() < 50: sel.append(jnt)



The dot product is a scalar value obtained by performing a specific operation on two vector components. This doesn’t make much sense, so I will tell you that the dot product is extremely useful in finding the angle between two vectors, or checking which general direction something is pointing.

dot = v1*v2
print dot

USE CASE: Direction Test


The dot product of two normalized vectors will always be between -1.0 and 1.0, if the dot product is greater than zero, the vectors are pointing in the same general direction, zero means they are perpendicular, less than zero means opposite directions. So let’s loop through our joints and select those that are facing the x direction:

sel = []
for jnt in jnts:
    v = om.MVector(cmds.xform(jnt, t=1, q=1)).normal()
    dot = v*om.MVector([1,0,0])
    if dot > 0.7: sel.append(jnt)

USE CASE: Test World Colinearity

This one comes from last week in the office, one of my guys wanted to know how to check which way in the world something was facing. I believe it was to derive some information from arbitrary skeletons. This builds on the above by getting each vector of a node in world space.

def getLocalVecToWorldSpace(node, vec=om.MVector.kXaxisVector):
    matrix = om.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName(node).getDagPath(0).inclusiveMatrix()
    vec = (vec * matrix).normal()
    return vec
def axisVectorColinearity(node, vec):
    vec = om.MVector(vec)
    x = getLocalVecToWorldSpace(node, vec=om.MVector.kXaxisVector)
    y = getLocalVecToWorldSpace(node, vec=om.MVector.kYaxisVector)
    z = getLocalVecToWorldSpace(node, vec=om.MVector.kZaxisVector)
    #return the dot products
    return {'x': vec*x, 'y':vec*y, 'z':vec*z}
jnt = cmds.joint()
print axisVectorColinearity(jnt, [0,0,1])

You can rotate the joint around and you will see which axis is most closely pointing to the world space vector you have given as an input.

USE CASE: Angle Between Vectors


When working with unit vectors, we can get the arc cosine of a dot product to derive the angle between the two vectors, but this requires trigonometric functions, which are not available in our vector class, for this we must import the math module. Scratching the code above, let’s find the angle between two joints:

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import math
jnt1 = cmds.joint()
jnt2 = cmds.joint()
cmds.xform(jnt2, t=(0,0,10))
cmds.xform(jnt1, t=(10,0,0))
root = cmds.joint()
cmds.parent([jnt1, jnt2], root)
v1 = om.MVector(cmds.xform(jnt1, t=1, q=1)).normal()
v2 = om.MVector(cmds.xform(jnt2, t=1, q=1)).normal()
dot = v1*v2
print dot
print math.acos(dot)
print math.acos(dot) * 180 / math.pi

So at the end here, the arc Cosine of the dot product returns the angle in radians (1.57079632679), which we convert to degrees by multiplying it by 180 and dividing by pi (90.0). To check your work, there is no angle tool in Maya, but you can create a circle shape and set the sweep degrees to your result.

Now that you know how to convert radians to an angle, if you store the result of the above in an MAngle class, you can ask for it however you like:

print om.MAngle(math.acos(dot)).asDegrees()

Now that you know how to do this, there is an even easier, using the angle function of the MVector class, you can ask it the angle given a second vector:

print v1.angle(v2)

There are also useful attributes v1.rotateBy(r,r,r) for an offset and v1.rotateTo(v2). I say (r,r,r) in my example, but the rotateBy attr takes angles or radians.

CHALLENGE: Can you write your own rad_to_deg and deg_to_rad utility methods?

USE CASE: Orient-Driver

Moving along, let’s apply these concepts to something more interesting. Let’s drive a blendshape based on orientation of a joint. Since the dot product is a scalar value, we can pipe this right into a blendshape, when the dot product is 1.0, we know that the orientations match, when it’s 0, we know they are perpendicular.


We will use a locator constrained to the child to help in deriving a vector. The fourByFourMatrix stores the original position of the locator. I tried using the holdMatrix node, which should store a cached version of the original locator matrix, but it kept updating. (?) We use the vectorProduct node in ‘dot product’ mode to get the dot product of the original vector and the current vector of the joint. We then pipe this value into the weight of the blendshape node.

Now, this simple example doesn’t take twist into account, and we aren’t setting a falloff or cone, the falloff will be 1.0 when the vectors align and the blendshape is on 100% and 0.0, when they’re perpendicular and the blendshape will be on 0%. I also don’t clamp the dot product, so the blendshape input can go to -1.


The cross product results in a vector that is perpendicular to two vectors. Generally you would do (v1.y*v2.z-v1.z*v2.y, v1.z*v2.x-v1.x*v2.z, v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x), ut luckily, the vector class manages this for us by using the ‘^’ symbol:

cross = v1^v2
print cross

USE CASE: Building a coordinate frame


If we get the cross product of v1^v2 above, and use this vector to now cross (v1 x v2)x v1, we will now have a third perpendicular vector to build a coordinate system or ‘orthonormal basis’. A useful example would be aligning a node to a nurbs curve using the pointOnCurveInfo node.


In the example above, we are using two cross products to build a matrix from the tangent of the pointOnCurveInfo and it’s position, then decomposing this matrix to set the orientation and position of a locator.

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If you found this useful, please consider buying me a beer.

posted by Chris at 11:49 PM  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ryse at the Anaheim Autodesk User Event

I have been working on Ryse for almost two years now, it’s one of the most amazing projects I have had the chance to work on. The team we have assembled is just amazing, and it’s great to be in the position to show people what games can look like on next-gen hardware..  Autodesk asked us to come out to Anaheim and talk about some of the pipeline work we have been doing, and it’s great to finally be able to share some of the this stuff.

A lot of people have been asking about the fidelity, like ‘where are all those polygons?’, if you look at the video, you will see that the regular Romans, they actually have leather ties modeled that deform with the movement of the plates, and something that might never be noticed: deforming leather straps underneath the plates modeled/rigged holding together every piece of Lorica Segmata armor, and underneath that: a red tunic! Ryse is a labor of love!

We’re all working pretty hard right now, but it’s the kind of ‘pixel fucking’ that makes great art -we’re really polishing, and having a blast. We hope the characters and world we have created knock your socks off in November.

posted by Chris at 11:16 PM  

Monday, June 10, 2013

WordPress Malware Massacre


Some of my friends alerted me to my site being listed in the google malware database a week ago, but I was focusing on E3 and hadn’t had time to look into it. As it turns out, a vulnerability in a wordpress theme that I didn’t even have active allowed a virus to completely hose all sites on my co-located server with spam and random shit.

I wrote a quick python script [] that looks over all files and directories on linux and reports the following:

  • Html infested with twitter iFrame code injection
  • Malicious PHP, and code injected into existing PHP that eval’s strings obfuscated in
    • base_64
    • gzip
    • rot13
  • .htaccess files that change mod_rewrite.c to re-direct your users to bogus sites and internal php files
  • Files with permissions set greater than 664 and folders greater than 755
  • Hidden directories

I wrote this this afternoon and it’s focused on only this specific wordpress malware, it’s just basically some example code that warns of the above, and has two methods to remove PHP and HTML code injections.  Feel free to ask me questions, use at your own risk, by default the fixer methods are commented out, so this only reports issues. With them uncommented; they do make file edits to fix the code injections.

posted by Chris at 1:56 AM  

Monday, February 11, 2013

Object Oriented Python in Maya Pt. 1

I have written many tools at different companies, I taught myself, and don’t have a CS degree. I enjoy shot-sculpting, skinning, and have been known to tweak parameters of on-screen visuals for hours; I don’t consider myself a ‘coder’; still can’t allocate my own memory.  I feel I haven’t really used OOP from an architecture standpoint. So I bought an OOP book, and set out on a journey of self improvement.

‘OOP’ In Maya

In Maya, you often use DG nodes as ‘objects’. At Crytek we have our own modular nodes that create meta-frameworks encapsulating the character pipeline at multiple levels (characters, characterParts, and rigParts). Without knowing it, we were using Object Oriented Analysis when designing our frameworks, and even had some charts that look quite a bit like UML. DG node networks are connected often with message nodes, this is akin to a pointer to the object in memory, whereas with a python ‘object’ I felt it could always easily lose it’s mapping to the scene.

It is possible now with the OpenMaya C++ API to store a pointer to the DG node in memory and just request the full dag path any time you want it, also PyMel objects are Python classes and link to the DG node even when the string name changes.

“John is 47 Years Old and 6 Feet Tall”

Classes always seemed great for times when I had a bunch of data objects, the classic uses are books in a library, or customers: John is 47 years old and likes the color purple. Awesome. However, in Maya, all our data is in nodes already, and those nodes have attributes, those attributes serialize into a Maya file when I save: so I never really felt the need to use classes.

Although, all this ‘getting’, ‘setting’ and ‘listing’ really grows tiresome, even when you have custom methods to do it fairly easily.

It was difficult to find any really useful examples of OOP with classes in Maya. Most of our code is for ‘constructing’: building a rig, building a window, etc. Code that runs in a linear fashion and does ‘stuff’. There’s no huge architecture, the architecture is Maya itself.

Class Warfare

I wanted to package my information in classes and pass that back and forth in a more elegant way –at all times, not just while constructing things. So for classes to be useful to me, I needed them to synchronously exist with DG nodes.

I also didn’t want to have to get and set the information when syncing the classes with DG nodes, that kind of defeats the purpose of Python classes IMO.

Any time I opened a tool I would ‘wrap’ DG nodes in classes that harnessed the power of Python and OOP. To do this meant diving into more of the deep end, but since that was what was useful to me, that’s what I want to talk about here.

To demonstrate, let’s construct this example:

#the setup
loc = cmds.spaceLocator()
cons = [[0],[0]]
meshes = [cmds.sphere()[0], cmds.sphere()[0], cmds.sphere()[0]]
cmds.addAttr(loc, sn='controllers', at='message')
cmds.addAttr(cons, sn='rigging', at='message')
for con in cons: cmds.connectAttr(loc[0] + '.controllers', con + '.rigging')
cmds.addAttr(loc, sn='rendermeshes', at='message')
cmds.addAttr(meshes, sn='rendermesh', at='message')
for mesh in meshes: cmds.connectAttr(loc[0] + '.rendermeshes', mesh + '.rendermesh')

So now we have this little node network:


Now if I wanted to wrap this network in a class. We are going to use @property to give us the functionality of an attribute, but really a method that runs to return us a value (from the DG node) when the ‘attribute’ is queried. I believe using properties is key to harnessing the power of classes in Maya.

class GameThing(object):
	def __init__(self, node):
		self.node = node
	def controllers(self):
		return cmds.listConnections(self.node + ".controllers")

So now we can query the ‘controllers’ attribute/property, and it returns our controllers:

test = GameThing(loc)
print test.controllers
##>>[u'nurbsCircle2', u'nurbsCircle1']

Next up, we add a setter, which runs code when you set a property ‘attribute’:

class GameThing(object):
	def __init__(self, node):
		self.node = node
	def controllers(self):
		return cmds.listConnections(self.node + ".controllers")
	def controllers(self, cons):
		#disconnect existing controller connections
		for con in cmds.listConnections(self.node + '.controllers'):
			cmds.disconnectAttr(self.node + '.controllers', con + '.rigging')
		for con in cons:
			if cmds.objExists(con):
				if not cmds.attributeQuery('rigging', n=con, ex=1):
					cmds.addAttr(con, longName='rigging', attributeType='message', s=1)
				cmds.connectAttr((self.node + '.controllers'), (con + '.rigging'), f=1)
				cmds.error(con + ' does not exist!')

So now when we set the ‘controllers’ attribute/property, it runs a method that blows away all current message connections and adds new ones connecting your cons:

test = GameThing(loc)
print test.controllers
##>>[u'nurbsCircle2', u'nurbsCircle1']
test.controllers = [cmds.nurbsSquare()[0]]
print test.controllers

To me, something like properties makes classes infinitely more useful in Maya. For a short time we tried to engineer a DG node at Crytek that when an attr changed, could eval a string with a similar name on the node. This is essentially what a property can do, and it’s pretty powerful. Take a moment to look through code of some of the real ‘heavy lifters’ in the field, like zooToolBox, and you’ll see @property all over the place.

I hope you found this as useful as I would have.

posted by Chris at 1:03 AM  
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