Stumbling Toward 'Awesomeness'

A Technical Art Blog

Sunday, June 22, 2008

3D Models not Subject to Copyright

I saw this over at slashdot:

“The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has affirmed (PDF) a ruling that a plain, unadorned wireframe model of a Toyota vehicle is not a creative expression protected under copyright law. The court analogized the wire-frame models to photographs: the owner of an object does not have a copyright in all images of the object, but a photographer may have a limited copyright over a particular image based on artistic choices such as costumery, lighting, posing, etc. Thus, the modelers could only copyright any ‘incremental contribution’ they made to Toyota’s vehicles; in the case of plain models, there was nothing new to protect. This could be a two-edged sword รขโ‚ฌโ€ companies that produce goods may not be able to stop modelers from imaging those products, but modelers may not be able to prevent others from copying their work.”

This will have some interesting ramifications. And I don’t just mean for the Limbo of the Lost guys. (j/k)

posted by Chris at 11:09 PM  

1 Comment »

  1. He he. Maybe it does! Maybe the Limbo guys just took pictures of monitors running the other games, and therefore it’s all legit! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Comment by Seith — 2008/06/28 @ 2:50 AM

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